Keislaman2024-10-02T11:54:12+00:00Imam Journal Systems<p style="text-align: justify;"><a href="">Jurnal Keislaman</a> is a peer-reviewed journal published twice a year (March and September). Jurnal Keislaman aims to facilitate and to disseminate innovative and creative ideas of researchers, academicians, and practitioners who concentrate on interdisciplinary Islamic issues ranging from Islamic history, Islamic thought, Islamic laws, Islamic politics, Islamic economics, Islamic education, and Islamic social-cultural. Jurnal Keislaman is published online by <a href="">Sekolah Tinggi Agama Islam Taruna Surabaya</a> in March 2018 as a continuation to the previously printed journal, which was initially published in 2012. Jurnal Keislaman was registered as p-ISSN (<a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">2089-7413</a>) and e-ISSN (<a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">2722-7804</a>) at BRIN. Jurnal Keislaman has been a member of crossref with DOI prefix 10.54298. Therefore, each article has a unique DOI number.</p> to Enhance Islamic Education Learning Outcomes through an Integrated Literacy Approach in Madrasah? A Case Study2024-09-04T12:51:44+00:00Lulu' Anwariyahluluanwariyah79@gmail.comAhmad Azis Fananifananiahmadaziz89@gmail.comFathi Hidayahhidayahfathi@gmail.comHasan<p><em>This research analyses how to improve learning outcomes through an integrated literacy approach in madrasah. This research uses a qualitative case study approach. The research subjects consisted of the principal, deputy head of student affairs, deputy head of curriculum, head of the library, teachers, and students. Data collection techniques use interview observation and documentation. Data analysis techniques include data reduction, data presentation, and conclusion. The results showed that the experimental group experienced a significant increase in learning outcomes compared to the control group. An integrated literacy approach has proven effective in increasing students' understanding of subject matter, critical thinking skills, and interest in reading. This approach also helps students link knowledge from various scientific disciplines to make learning more meaningful and contextual. This research suggests that madrasah consider implementing integrated literacy as a learning strategy to improve the quality of education and student learning outcomes.</em></p>2024-09-01T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Lulu' Anwariyah, Ahmad Azis Fanani, Fathi Hidayah, Hasan Baharun Sila Ketuhanan Yang Maha Esa Dengan Pengamalan Tauhidullah Bagi Masyarakat Muslim di Indonesia2024-09-04T12:58:43+00:00Abdul<p><em>This article discusses the relevance of the first principle of Pancasila for the realization of religious harmonization in Indonesia, which is still seen as contrary to the concept of tauhidullah for muslim communities in Indonesia. The author identifies these problems, including the relationship between the first principle or Pancasila and tauhidullah, the relationship between muslim and non muslim in national and state life, as well as the relevance of the principle og Belief in One Almighty God and tauhidullah fir muslim community in Indonesia . The result of the research include: (1) The relationship between the first principle of Pancasila and the concept of tauhidullah, namely that both attempt to teach the concept of the oneness of God; (2) The first principle of Pancasila and the concept of tauhidullah teach the importance of good relations between muslim and non muslim in the live of plural society in Indonesia; (3) The rinciples of belief in the Almightty God and the concept of tauhidullah have close relevance, especially maintaining tolerance between religious communities.</em></p>2024-09-01T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Abdul Rohman Pendidikan Karakter Berbasis Nilai-nilai Sosio-kultural di Madrasah Aliyah2024-09-04T13:03:29+00:00Miftahur Imelda<p>This study is based on the importance of implementing character education values in madrasas, which in fact are educational institutions under the auspices of Islamic boarding schools. MA Bustanul 'Ulum under the auspices of the Bustanul 'Ulum Development Islamic Boarding School Education Foundation (YPPPBU) Central Lampung is one of the Islamic educational institutions that has long implemented character education. This qualitative research aims to determine and analyze character education management using a socio-cultural values approach at MA Bustanul 'Ulum Jayasakti, Central Lampung. This research uses a qualitative research approach by taking research informants from foundation leaders, madrasa leaders, and five teachers' councils. Through in-depth interview techniques, observation, and documentation, data was collected from informants which was then analyzed through the stages of data reduction, data presentation, and drawing conclusions. To ensure the validity of the data, researchers used data triangulation. In the end, this research found the fact that the internalization of character education values at MA Bustanul 'Ulum was carried out through a planning, implementation and evaluation process with certain steps. The planning involved the entire madrasah and Islamic boarding school management team, considering that this madrasah is a madrasah within the scope of Islamic boarding schools. With careful planning and determining the person in charge of the education program, the implementation of character education is carried out well through intracurricular and extracurricular learning activities that are integrated with Islamic boarding schools. The research results have implications for the importance of strengthening digital literacy in order to strengthen the values of character education.</p>2024-09-01T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Miftahur Rohman, Nabilla, Ade Imelda Frimayanti Kecerdasan Spiritual, Emosional, dan Intelektual Melalui Perspektif Al-Qur’an2024-09-04T13:08:05+00:00Kholid Harunhamzahharun62@gmail.comMuhaemin<p><em>This article discusses the importance of synergizing the three types of human intelligence, namely spiritual, emotional and intellectual intelligence, through the perspective of revelation. According to the Quran, humans were created with hearing, sight and conscience as a means to understand and manage themselves in a balanced manner. Spiritual intelligence is related to the human ability to establish a close relationship with the Creator, emotional intelligence is related to the ability to manage emotions and empathize, and intellectual intelligence is related to the ability to think critically, creatively, and innovatively. The research approach in this study will use a qualitative approach with a library research method. Where this research wants to explore and understand the concept and perspective of revelation in synergizing spiritual, emotional, and intellectual intelligence. The data analysis technique in this research is content analysis where the process is to analyze the content and meaning of the data sources collected, then interpretation and synthesis, namely by understanding, interpreting, and synthesizing information from various sources to build a comprehensive understanding. The results show that the current phenomenon shows that many people only develop one aspect of intelligence, resulting in an imbalance. Individuals who only focus on developing intellectual intelligence tend to become rigid, self-centered, and insensitive. Conversely, individuals who only develop spiritual and emotional intelligence tend to be less able to think critically and face life's challenges effectively. Therefore, this article emphasizes the importance of synergizing the three aspects of intelligence through the perspective of revelation so that humans can achieve true blessings and happiness in life and carry out their functions and responsibilities as caliphs on earth.</em></p>2024-09-01T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Kholid Albar, Hamzah Harun, Muhaemin Latif Karakter Religius Melalui Budaya Literasi Al-Qur’an Di Madrasah Aliyah Swasta Amaliyah Sunggal2024-09-09T20:47:02+00:00Ismaraidha Yunan<p><em>This study explores the implementation of religious character education through the culture of Quran literacy in Amaliyah Sunggal Private Islamic Senior High School. The main objective of this study is to identify and analyze how the culture of Quran literacy contributes to the formation of students' religious character and its impact on their learning and daily lives. The research method used is qualitative descriptive, involving observation, interviews, and documentation studies. Data analysis begins with data reduction, data presentation and drawing conclusions. Then to ensure the validity of the data, this study uses triangulation in order to increase the accuracy and credibility of the findings. The results of the study indicate that the implementation of the culture of Quran literacy has a positive impact on the development of students' religious character, increasing discipline, understanding of Islamic values, social sensitivity, and strengthening religious identity. However, this study also identified obstacles such as lack of student interest, limited teacher resources, dense curriculum, and negative influences of the social and technological environment. Strategies involving improving teacher competence, effective time management, and support from parents and the community are needed to overcome these obstacles.</em></p>2024-09-09T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Ismaraidha, Muhammad Yunan Harahap, Latifah Hannum Budaya Religius Terhadap Kecerdasan Spiritual Peserta Didik Di SD Negeri 2 Cihaur2024-09-09T21:45:28+00:00Umiliah Maulida<p><em>Culture is the result of human work, creativity and initiative that can be accepted by society, or a certain community, and carried out consciously without coercion in everyday life, and taught to the next generation simultaneously. Religious is a student's way of thinking and behaving based on religious values. Spiritual intelligence is intelligence that comes from within us and is associated with knowledge that exists outside our ego or conscious soul. Based on the problem formulation, the aim of this research is first, to find out whether there is an influence of religious culture on the spiritual intelligence of students at SD Negeri 2 Cihaur. second, to find out how religious culture influences the spiritual intelligence of students at SD Negeri 2 Cihaur. This type of research uses a quantitative approach with survey methods. The research results show that religious culture has a significant effect on students' spiritual intelligence. This is proven based on the results of analysis using tests in the form of questionnaires, calculations carried out using the Pearson product moment correlation test to determine the sig value. 0.008 < 0.05, then H0 is rejected and Ha is accepted, so the researcher concludes that there is an influence of religious culture on the spiritual intelligence of students at SD Negeri 2 Cihaur.</em></p>2024-09-09T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Umiliah Maulida Hamidiana, Asep Usamah Komunikasi Islam dalam Kehidupan Sosial Melalui Warung Kopi di Kota Banda Aceh2024-09-09T22:27:10+00:00Furqan<p><em>The purpose of this research is to identify and provide understanding and invitation to everyone to ground Islamic communication in social life so that communication patterns between people are well maintained in accordance with the principles of Islamic communication. The research method used is a type of library research</em><em>. </em><em>his research is carried out by reading, examining, and analyzing various existing sources, in the form of the Qur'an, Hadith, journals and books, as well as other research results related to communication in social life. The results showed that Islamic communication in social life has a very important role in human life, this can be seen from social meaning, social coverage and social support to being able to limit negative words against someone.</em> <em>Islamic communication is a means of conveying or exchanging information using the principles and methods of communication according to the Qur'an as one of the motivations for Muslims to ground Islamic communication in social life directly and through social media. Meanwhile, in the context of coffee shops as a means of social communication in the city of Banda Aceh, coffee shops are not only a place to drink coffee or rest but also a source of the latest information and also a gathering place for various communities, ranging from ordinary people, community leaders, government employees, and so on. The conclusion is that communication is one of the important reasons in society, of course, in the rules of Islam, besides that Islamic communication and social life play a very large role in the context of coffee shops in the city of Banda Aceh.</em></p>2024-09-09T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Furqan, Abdullah, Muhammad Furqan Kiai Lokal Dalam Kontestasi Politik Era Reformasi Di Madura: Tinjauan Sejarah2024-09-10T14:15:08+00:00Ali<p><em>This study explores the role of local Kiai of Madura in the politics of the reform era, examining their contribution to practical political contestation and its impact on the Muslim-majority Madura community. Kiai, who was respected and had great influence, exercised the role of religious figure and public official. The local Kiai here refers to Kiai who are directly involved in the world of practical politics. The purpose of this study is to analyze the contribution of Kiai in Madura politics and its impact on the policy and application of the teachings of Ahlus Sunnah Wal-Jamaah. This research is a literature review using the historical method with four steps. First heuristic (collection of sources), primary and secondary sources used in the form of books, scientific articles, proceedings, the results of the data on votes obtained from the KPU and the writings that are relevant to this research obtained from the National Library of Indonesia, UIN Jakarta Library, Google Scholar, Sinta and observations in the field. Second, source criticism.</em> <em>Third, interpretation and finally historiography. As an analytical knife, the research uses the hegemonic theory of Gramsci.</em> <em>The findings show that Kiai plays an important role in legal and policy politics, fighting for people's rights and grounding religious teachings. This research provides insight into the integration of religious teachings with public interest in the context of reform.</em></p>2024-09-10T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Ali Topan, Itaanis Tianah Industri Makanan Halal dalam Perspektif Hukum Islam2024-09-11T03:23:57+00:00M. Shaiful<p><em>This study examines the development of the halal food industry in Indonesia from the perspective of Islamic law. As the country with the largest Muslim population in the world, Indonesia's growth in the halal food sector has significant implications for adherence to sharia principles. The study explores how Islamic law impacts various aspects of the halal food industry, including certification processes, production standards, and product labeling. The main focus is on the application of halal principles throughout all stages of production, from raw material selection to final processing. The study also evaluates the role of sharia supervisory bodies, such as the Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI), in ensuring compliance with Islamic law. The findings reveal that the application of Islamic law in the halal food industry not only ensures adherence to sharia principles but also enhances consumer trust and strengthens Indonesia’s position as a global hub for the halal food industry. This study provides insights into the challenges and opportunities in advancing the halal food industry in accordance with Islamic law in Indonesia</em></p>2024-09-11T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 M. Shaiful Umam, Nur Faizah Framing Dan Dalam Pemberitaan Konflik Palestina-Israel Pasca Tewasnya Ismail Haniyeh2024-09-11T03:29:15+00:00Sinta Dwi<p><em>The conflict between Palestine and Israel, triggered by Hamas' attack on Israel on October 7, 2023, is still ongoing. Although there were some mediation and negotiations, there was no agreement between Palestine and Israel. On July 31, 2024, Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh was killed allegedly by Israel. The death of Ismail Haniyeh had some impacts on Palestinian-Israeli peace efforts. This issue attracts media attention, including and This research aims to find out the framing of and in reporting the Palestinian-Israeli conflict, especially after the death of Ismail Haniyeh. Although these two media belong to the same group, Transmedia, each media has a different news construction. Using the framing analysis theory of Zhongdang Pan and Gerald M. Kosicky, this research examines the news published on both media on July 31, 2024. By examining four structural dimensions, namely syntax, script, thematic, and rhetorical, the results of this study show that there are different framing in news construction. A firm pro-Palestinian stance is shown by while tries to take a more neutral stance. More comprehensive coverage with a global perspective is also presented by while presents balanced coverage from both the Palestinian and Israeli sides.</em></p>2024-09-11T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Sinta Dwi Utami, Abdul Azis, Iswahyu Pranawukir Analysis of ZISWAF Fund Management Using SWOT: Case Study of Mosque in Mimika2024-09-11T04:27:12+00:00Roni Irnawanirnawan.iron89@gmail.comAmrizal<p><em>This research aims to 1) Analyze the extent of the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and challenges for the management of ZISWAF funds of the Mosque in Mimika. 2) Identify appropriate strategies in the management of ZISWAF funds of the Mosque in Mimika. This research focuses on events that occur in mosques and uses qualitative techniques. This type of research uses a qualitative approach with descriptive qualitative research methods. Data was collected through filling out questionnaires and interviews with respondents related to the mosque and analyzing related documents. Based on the results of the study, the management of ZISWAF funds in the mosque in Mimika, on internal factors at the strength point shows the importance of managing Ziswaf funds for the prosperity of the mosque and the community, but the weakness is the human resources of mosque managers who are less effective in carrying out the mandate so that it has an impact on the development of mosque facilities and the management of limited ziswaf funds. On external factors, the Opportunities point shows the positive response of the community regarding the activities of the Mosque and the support of religious leaders and the local government in religious activities made by the Mosque, while the Threats are the many religions that have developed so that Conflicts related to religious interests in Mimika Regency are easy to occur.</em></p>2024-09-11T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Roni Irnawan, Amrizal Habituasi Ratib Al Haddad dalam Meningkatkan Kecerdasan Emosional dan Spiritual2024-10-02T08:30:50+00:00Hasan Ruzakkihasanr@gmail.comZainuddin Zainuddinzainuddinz@gmail.comHosaini Hosainihosaini2612@gmail.comM. Tubi<p><em>Learners today are often trapped with easy access to all kinds of information they want. In summary, there are many ways and media to support intellectual aspects. But minimal in emotional and spiritual aspects. Whereas the main support in the intellectual is emotional and spiritual, because emotional readiness determines the success of education even in education. Forming emotional and spiritual intelligence through habits takes time and consistent commitment. Positive habits are needed to form both. One of them is the habit of reading Ratib Al Haddad. This type of research is descriptive qualitative research using systematic literature review (SLR) literature sources. The stages in mapping the literature used in this study were identification, screening, eligibility, and inclusion. Based on the results of research studies from 2014 to 2022 on articles about Ratib Al Haddad's dhikr, emotional and spiritual intelligence, there is a strong focus on strengthening emotional intelligence and spiritual intelligence through habituation of Ratib Al-Haddad, so as to improve students' emotional and spiritual , because the dhikr contains the benefits of remembering Allah SWT and building good emotional character for students, so that they are obedient and obedient to the rules set by the school, especially in the learning process that occurs in class and outside the classroom.</em></p>2024-09-30T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Hasan Ruzakki, Zainuddin, Hosaini, M. Tubi Heryandi Al-Qur’an dalam Mengatasi Pengaruh Media Sosial TikTok Terhadap Keagamaan Generasi Muda2024-10-02T08:43:44+00:00Ardiyan FikrianoorArdiyanfikri2@gmail.comMuhamad<p><em>This research aims to determine the influence of TikTok social media on the religion of the younger generation from the perspective of the Koran. This research was conducted using the library research method, which includes analysis of literature such as the Al-Qur'an, hadith, journals, and related books. In the digital era, social media has become an important platform for the younger generation to express themselves and seek information. TikTok, as a popular application, allows users to create short videos with various interesting effects. However, its inappropriate use can have negative impacts, such as reducing valuable time, reducing a culture of shame, and spreading hoax news. This research found that TikTok has a significant effect on the religion of the younger generation, including the potential for antisocial behavior, wasting time, and decreasing Islamic values. To overcome these negative influences, the Qur'an provides important guidance, including commands to socialize well, make the best use of time, and maintain a culture of shame. This article offers a unique perspective on how the younger generation can use social media wisely and still retain their religious values </em><em></em><em>through the teachings of the Koran. Thus, it is hoped that this research can provide practical and theoretical benefits for the younger generation and the general public in overcoming the challenges of using social media in the digital era.</em></p>2024-09-30T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Ardiyan Fikrianoor, Muhamad Ishaac Penerapan Sistem Konsinyasi Menurut Hukum Ekonomi Islam pada Produk Jajanan Basah di Pasar Pagi Bandar Kabupaten Batang2024-09-21T05:34:18+00:00Ubaidillah<p> </p> <p><em>This study aims to determine and analyze the application of the consignment system according to Islamic economic law on wet snack products in the Bandar morning market, and to analyze the role of the principles or basis of Islamic economic law in the marketing strategy of wet snack products in the Bandar morning market. This research uses qualitative research methods, the data used are primary data and secondary data, primary data obtained from interviews with market managers, snack traders and buyers, the analytical tool used is qualitative methods with the type of field research. The results of this study indicate that the practice of consignment contracts for wet snack products in the Bandar morning market in general, the contracts used in Islamic economics have fulfilled the pillars and conditions, because in the practice of consignment contracts, several pillars and conditions have been fulfilled in transactions including Shighat (memorization), Aqid (the person in the contract), Ma'qud alaih (commoditized goods). However, in its application related to Ma'qud alaih there are still a few that do not meet the requirements, the hawker traders have not fully implemented these terms and conditions in conducting transactions, because there are still many hawker traders who ignore the contract and do not record the administration of the consignment contract.</em></p>2024-09-30T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Ubaidillah Konsep Syaż Dalam Kajian Hadis: Telaah Pemikiran Syaikh Abdullah Al-Ghumari2024-09-18T06:11:07+00:00Nugraha Andri Bahri<p><em>This research is based on the opinion of several Ulama who stated that researching the syaż of a hadiṡ is not an easy activity. The implication is that studies on syaż in the treasury of hadiṡ science have not experienced encouraging developments. This causes books that discuss hadiṡ containing syaż to be very difficult to find. Until finally the work of Sheikh Abdullah al-Ghumari appeared, which became the antithesis of this opinion. The purpose of this study is to determine the concept of syaż and the steps taken by Sheikh Abdullah Al-Ghumari in determining the syaż of a hadiṡ. This research is a descriptive qualitative type that compiles and explains the results of the study through words and sentences, not numbers. This study uses a library research method in data collection. The main source of information for this study is Sabil al-Tawfiq fi Tarjamati Abdullah bin al-Siddiq al-Ghumari. The data analysis used in this study is the thematic analysis. The results of this study, related to the steps taken by Sheikh Abdullah al-Ghumari in criticizing the hadiṡs that are considered syaż in general, are as follows: 1) Mentioning the mukharrij of the Hadiṡ; 2) Mentioning the status of the Hadiṡ as syaż and not allowed to be practiced; 3) Mentioning the reasons for its syaż either because it contradicts the mutawatir Hadiṡ, verses of the Qur'an, ijma', valid rules in the science of hadiṡ,, the weakness of the narrator, or because the Hadiṡ is munqathi' or mursal.</em></p>2024-09-30T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Nugraha Andri Afriza, Khairul Bahri Nasution Pemahaman Patriarki Dalam Tafsir Q.S. An-Nisa:34 dan Impikasinya Terhadap Tren Penurunan Pernikahan di Indonesia2024-09-21T05:15:03+00:00Nana<p><em>This study explores the understanding of patriarchy in the interpretation of Q.S. An-Nisa:34 and examines its implications for the declining marriage trend in Indonesia. The interpretation of Q.S. An-Nisa:34 is often seen as supporting patriarchal values, which significantly impact social structures and gender perceptions. With social changes, Indonesia has experienced a decline in marriage trends, which may be influenced by more egalitarian religious interpretations. This study aims to understand how the verse is interpreted in society and how this understanding contributes to the declining marriage trend</em> <em>This research uses a qualitative approach with the maudhu'i method and a little touch of hermeneutics. It interprets Q.S an-Nisa':34 by putting forward the views of the mufassir. The findings show that the interpretation of Q.S. An-Nisa:34 is understood as a basis in the household where men are qawwam (leaders or protectors). This means that there is a big task that men must do, namely providing for their wives and children. If the task of earning a living is not done, then the nature of leadership is lost. The misunderstanding of Q.S. An-Nisa:34 contributes to the changing perception of marriage, which in turn affects marriage trends in Indonesia. </em></p>2024-09-30T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Nana Gustianda Metode Pendidikan Islam dalam Al-Qur'an: Kajian QS. Hud Ayat 61-682024-09-21T05:20:17+00:00Rengga Irfanibnuirfan2792@gmail.comSyafiyatul<p><em>The aim of this research is to explore the Islamic educational methods contained in Surah Hud, verses 61-68. Current phenomena indicate that there are still many errors in teaching methods, both within and outside of school environments. One notable issue is that teachers often hesitate to administer punishment to students due to concerns about being perceived as engaging in violence. Therefore, this study seeks to revisit appropriate educational methods based on the guidance of the Qur'an. This research is a qualitative library research using content analysis as the analysis method. Focus of this research is on Surah Hud, verses 61-68, which is analyzed based on the interpretations of Tafsir Al-Azhar by Buya Hamka, Tafsir An-Nur by Teungku Hasbi Ash-Shidiqi, and Tafsir Al-Misbah by Quraish Shihab. The findings reveal that there are five Islamic educational methods in Surah Hud, verses 61-68, namely: a) the lecture method, b) the question and answer method, c) the demonstration method, d) the assignment method, and e) the Targhib (reward) and Tarhib (punishment) method. These methods can serve as a model that can be applied in contemporary education. Their relevance remains strong today, although their application may require adjustments and modifications in line with modern developments.</em></p>2024-09-30T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Rengga Irfan, Syafiyatul Khuluqi Pembelajaran Pendidikan Agama Islam (PAI) Berbasis Ekologis di Sekolah Dasar (SD) Plus Al-Qodiri Jember2024-09-22T14:25:25+00:00M. Abdul Azismuhahammad.abdul.azish@gmail.comSyaiful<p><em>This research aims to describe the problems that occur to students in educational institutions and efforts to overcome them. The problems of students include the increasingly weakening character or morals of students inside and outside the madrasah, the lack of application of Islamic values by students to their environment, and the lack of contribution of students in broadcasting the Islamic religion in society. The efforts that can be made to overcome this problem are the application of ecologically based educational methods in learning, especially in Islamic religious learning (PAI). PAI learning has a strategic role in implementing environmental awareness values because it must be provided at all levels of education. This research aims to formulate goals and steps in realizing environmental awareness through ecologically based PAI learning management. That is, in conducting research we carry out a descriptive qualitative research method with an intrinsic case study type of research. The results of this research ensure that students can implement Islamic values in protecting the environment by means of Ecologically Based Islamic Education Learning Management. From this description, it is clear that Ecologically Based PAI Learning Management can be a locomotive in increasing students' enthusiasm for learning to carry out activities outside the classroom and inside the classroom.</em></p>2024-09-30T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 M. Abdul Azis, Syaiful Rizal Historis, Metode Dan Karakteristik Pendidikan Tasawuf Di Ma’had Aly IqnᾹ’ Ath-ThᾹlῙbin Pondok Pesantren Al-Anwar, Sarang, Rembang2024-10-02T11:54:12+00:00Kholis Ali Mahmudikholisali19@gmail.comIslah<p><em>This research aims to examine: (1) the history of the establishment of Ma'had Aly Iqnā' Ath-Thālibīn Pondok Pesantren Al-Anwar, Sarang, Rembang (2) Ta</em><em>ṣ</em><em>awuf education at Ma'had Aly Iqnā' Ath-Thālibīn Pondok Pesantren Al-Anwar, Sarang, Rembang (3) the characteristics of Ta</em><em>ṣ</em><em>awuf education at Ma'had Aly Iqnā' Ath-Thālibīn Pondok Pesantren Al-Anwar, Sarang, Rembang. The research approach used in this study is descriptive qualitative. The research setting was conducted at Ma'had Aly Iqnā' Ath-Thālibīn Pondok Pesantren Al-Anwar, Sarang, Rembang. The data collection method uses documentation, interview, and observation methods. For data validity techniques used are source triangulation techniques. While the data analysis technique that researchers obtained, using data collection, data reduction, and data verification. The results of the study conclude The learning method follows the tradition of the salaf pesantren and emphasizes social practice. Its characteristics include the use of the book by Masyayikh PP. Al-Anwar, sanadan kitab, syarh kitab as a final assignment, and the application of Sufism in social life.</em></p>2024-09-30T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Kholis Ali Mahmudi, Islah Gusmian