Analisis Penerapan Sistem Konsinyasi Menurut Hukum Ekonomi Islam pada Produk Jajanan Basah di Pasar Pagi Bandar Kabupaten Batang


  • Ubaidillah STAI Ki Ageng Pekalongan



Conveyance, Islamic Economic Law, Bandar Market



This study aims to determine and analyze the application of the consignment system according to Islamic economic law on wet snack products in the Bandar morning market, and to analyze the role of the principles or basis of Islamic economic law in the marketing strategy of wet snack products in the Bandar morning market. This research uses qualitative research methods, the data used are primary data and secondary data, primary data obtained from interviews with market managers, snack traders and buyers, the analytical tool used is qualitative methods with the type of field research. The results of this study indicate that the practice of consignment contracts for wet snack products in the Bandar morning market in general, the contracts used in Islamic economics have fulfilled the pillars and conditions, because in the practice of consignment contracts, several pillars and conditions have been fulfilled in transactions including Shighat (memorization), Aqid (the person in the contract), Ma'qud alaih (commoditized goods). However, in its application related to Ma'qud alaih there are still a few that do not meet the requirements, the hawker traders have not fully implemented these terms and conditions in conducting transactions, because there are still many hawker traders who ignore the contract and do not record the administration of the consignment contract.


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How to Cite

Ubaidillah, U. (2024). Analisis Penerapan Sistem Konsinyasi Menurut Hukum Ekonomi Islam pada Produk Jajanan Basah di Pasar Pagi Bandar Kabupaten Batang. Jurnal Keislaman, 7(2), 490–503.